International cooperation

Since the founding of gsub - Gesellschaft für soziale Unternehmensberatung mbH, the cooperation in European and international networks has been part of the corporate philosophy. The exchange and transfer of ideas and good practice examples is just as much a part of our self-image as the joint implementation of projects with European and international partners.

The European Agency, which is based at gsub mbH on behalf of the Berlin Senate Department for Integration, Labor and Social Services, supports the Senate administration in the European exchange through various formats, such as the organisation of events on topics such as Work 4.0 or an inclusive society as well as through the collaboration in working groups, eg EUROCITIES (, a network of major European cities.

Since 1998, gsub mbH has been a founding member of the European company MetropolisNet, which since 2009 operates as EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping) ( Based in Berlin. Seven European companies, institutions and cities form a unique network of diverse organisations that support and jointly implement local employment, education and social inclusion strategies in major European cities.

The gsub mbH is a member of the OECD LEED Forum ( and is represented on the Board of the Forum.