For gsub mbH, the focus of the consultation is the development of needs-based and practical solutions by action-oriented consultation and moderation. Its goal is bringing together stakeholders at regional, national and up to European levels through a transfer of experience.
gsub mbH uses and designs creative new consulting methods and is characterized by high precision, reliability, quality, credibility and effectiveness in the implementation. A special competence of gsub is in the moderation (and organisation of experience exchanges) of large groups.
Criteria for the quality of a consultation are:
- Competence in methods and expertise
- Transparent and clear agreements
- Result-oriented support in all project stages from conception to final statement
The consultation activities of gsub mbH are characterised by different consulting roles and target groups. Thereby, gsub mbH operates frequently as "intermediary", i.e. it takes on a consulting role between contracting or financial backers on one side, and institutions (recipients) or participants on the other.
The contents of a consultation include:
- Process consulting
- Individual and group coaching
- Funding advice
- Project support in all stages of implementation
- Moderation of large groups
gsub mbH consults:
- Companies
- Support organisations and employment companies
- Job seekers, including the elderly, single parents, migrants, young people and other target groups (personal consultation)
- Training providers and training seekers
- Federal, state and local governments
- Institutions of basic benefits (Job Centre)